Jewish Services Mezuzot Checking A Mezuzah is so much more than a piece of parchment rolled into a scroll. Since the Mezuzah acts as our own personal guardian, alert at all times, it’s important to ensure that it is always in top condition. We will check your Mezuzot at anyContinue Reading

Chabad Jewish Center Volunteer Sign Up The Chabad Jewish Center provides an array of adult education, social events & community programs each month to support and enrich our community.  Please take some time to review this information form and indicate how you can volunteer to help with this year’s programming.  We appreciateContinue Reading

The Chabad Jewish Center provides an array of adult education, social events & community programs each month to support and enrich our community. Please take some time to review this information form and indicate how you can volunteer to help with this year’s programming.  We appreciate your efforts on behalf of Chabad.Continue Reading

DATES : SUMMER 2024Week 1: July 1 – July 5Week 2: July 8  – July 12Week 3: July 15 – July 19 RATES*: $175 per week CAMP HOURS:  Mon – Fri 9:30am – 3:00pm  AGES:  Mini Can Izzy Girls & Boys ages 3-5 Gan Izzy               Girls & Boys ages 6-12 –*Scholarships available CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Our school is a contemporary learning center that successfully caters to Jewish families from all walks of life. Our school welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance. It is for this reason that our school does not require any membership or prior affiliations as a conditionContinue Reading

  Chabad of Cape Coral is an innovative, inclusive, Jewish outreach organization dedicated to fostering a vibrant and engaged community in Cape Coral. We unite Jews of all ages, backgrounds and degrees of observance as we explore together – through study, dialogue and experience – the beauty and splendor ofContinue Reading