You can sponsor a Kiddush to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, graduation, yahrzeit, or any significant event. If you prefer, it is also possible to co-sponsor a Kiddush. We also welcome contributions to the General Kiddush Fund. Please call with any questions and to reserve your kiddush date. The week’s sponsor(s) hasContinue Reading

A “Yahrzeit”, (anniversary of a loved one’s passing) is a time to remember the person, in the synagogue by reciting the kaddish prayer, through the giving of extra charity and through learning. Jewish Law requires that the Kaddish be recited during the first eleven months following the death of a loved one by prescribedContinue Reading

Welcome to the Chabad of Cape Coral Lending Library!With hundreds of books available, you’ll be sure to find a title to enjoy.Below you’ll find answers to most common questions. HOW DO I BORROW A BOOK? To borrow a book, visit Librarika.comCreate an account, by clicking “sign up”Under “My Libraries” requestContinue Reading

Class on Jewish Law Jewish Law and its guidelines are extensive. This class is open to all levels and backgrounds teaches the rules and laws and how they are practiced. Ø      Classes are given in English  Ø       No Halacha background necessary This course takes place Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm For more infoContinue Reading

Study Judaism: Your Level, Your Turf, Your Choice So the classes are all at the wrong times. Or you feel that the material is on a higher level/lower level than you are. Or you want to study something specific. No problem! Would you like to study with Rabbi or Rebbetzin one-on-one?Continue Reading

The lives of our forefathers, their travails, triumphs, and disappointments underpin the world’s conception of monotheism and human integrity. The exodus from Egypt and the forty year sojourn in the desert illuminate the eternal conflict between faith and egotism, corruption, debasement, and humility.  By examining the lives and deeds ofContinue Reading

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Crown Heights, Brooklyn, The Urban Shtetle9-11 IYAR 5784 • MAY 17-19, 2024 A SPIRITED SHABBAT EXPERIENCEIN THE NERVE CENTER OF THE CHABAD-LUBAVITCH MOVEMENT  WHAT TO EXPECT  Experience a taste of Crown Heights with an insider’s tour of the neighborhood highlighted by a visit to the iconic 770 building, the Rebbe’sContinue Reading