Welcome to the Chabad of Cape Coral Lending Library!With hundreds of books available, you’ll be sure to find a title to enjoy.Below you’ll find answers to most common questions. HOW DO I BORROW A BOOK? To borrow a book, visit Librarika.comCreate an account, by clicking “sign up”Under “My Libraries” requestContinue Reading

For thousands of years, Jewish marriages have been strengthened through the sanctity and holiness inherent in Taharat Hamishpacha – the practice of Family Purity, of which immersion in a Mikvah is an integral part.  The mikvah is a mystical pool of rainwater that transports a person back to the veryContinue Reading

April 10 – April 20, 2025 – Nissan 14-22, 5785 Thursday, April 10 Bedikat Chametz Search for Chametz: 8:14pm Friday, April 11 Sell and Burn Chametz before 12:25am   Candle Lighting 7:32pm Mincha & Maariv Services 7:30pm Shabbat, April 12 Shabbat Services 9:30am   Finish Eating Chametz before 11:20am  Continue Reading